This is a Great file to upload into the Gateway to make a standard starting point for all installations. The Things in Bold and highlighted should be changed once the ini is uploaded into the gateway. They should be changed to information about your own environment
To use this file copy and paste the below code into notepad and save the file as an ini
It is always best to upload the file first and then modify it in the gateway.
Ini File Download
SysLog App Download
; General parameters
;To support M1K LAN port redundancy
ExtBootPReqEnable = 1
; Channel parameters
; Is Silence Compression enabled (0 - no, 1 - yes) [default 0]
SCE = 0
; Is Echo Canceling enabled (0 - no, 1 - yes) [default 1]
ECE = 1
; [default 0] 0-2 (T38ProtectionMode = 0)
FaxRelayRedundancyDepth = 2
; Redundancy of T.38 control packets[default=1]
FaxRelayEnhancedRedundancyDepth = 2
; Voice gain control.Parameter range is -31 to +31 db. [default = 0 dB] VoiceVolume = 1
; [default 70] 0-150 msec Dynamic Jitter Buffer Minimum Delay.
DjBufMinDelay = 70
; DTMF parameters
; Use rfc2833 DTMF relay
RFC2833PayloadType = 101
; 0-1, When The DTMF is being detected (push Button or Release) [default = 1 = release]
MGCPDTMFDetectionPoint = 0
; Logger information
; When Syslog is enabled, the port must be 514 [Default = 1]
EnableSyslog = 0
; The IP address of the LogServer (when LogOutputType is SYSLOG)
;SysLogServerIP =
DisableRS232 = 1
; Trunk Group Configuration Table
TRUNKGROUP_1 = 0-3/1-24,1100
;Select next available channel for Trunk Group ID=1
TrunkGroupSettings = 1,1
; TrunkGroup Routing Table
PSTNPrefix = *,1
; Prefix Routing Table
Prefix = 123,
Prefix = 4321,
; Board Parameters
; Set to 0 when working with 10 Base-T hubs. (Default = 4, Auto-negotiation). EthernetPhyConfiguration = 4
; The Progress Tones filename.
CallProgressTonesFileName = 'M2K_usa_tones.dat'
SaveConfiguration = 1
; E1 / T1/ ISDN / CAS Parameters
; Sets the PSTN protocol to be used for this trunk.
ProtocolType = 10
; Selects the DS1 framing method
; 0 = Extended super frame with CRC6 (default)
; 1 = Super frame D4, F12 (12-Frame multiframe)
; A = F4 (4-Frame multiframe)
; C = Extended super frame without CRC6
FramingMethod = 0
;Use u-law for T1
PCMLawSelect = 3
; Selects the ISDN termination side. (NOT applicable for CAS protocols) (Default = 0).
TerminationSide = 0
; Selects the source of the clock (internal or recovered clock from E1/T1 line) (Default = 0)
ClockMaster = 0
TDMBusClockSource = 4
TDMBusLocalReference = 0
; Selects the line code method to be used for this trunk. (Default = 0). LineCode = 0
; Sip Parameters
; Applicable to FXO and CAS Mediant 2000. 1 = The Media Gateway disconnects calls when the busy/reorder tone is detected [default].
DisconnectOnBusyTone = 1
;For T1 CAS protocols, play reorder tone before disconnecting
TimeForReorderTone = 5
; The coder used.
CoderName = g711Alaw64k,20
CoderName = g7231,30
; If Proxy Server is used ?
IsProxyUsed = 0
; Proxy-server IP (if used)
ProxyIp =
;To enable the T.38 SIP fax relay
IsFaxUsed = 1
; Cnonce parameter for authentication
Cnonce = 0a123bcf
; Password parameter for authentication
Password = 787899
; When using a registering method, set 1. When not, set 0. Default = 0. IsRegisterNeeded = 0
EnableHold = 1
EnableForward = 1
; 0 = Don't use Early Media, 1 = Enable Early Media. If enabled, the IPmedia server will send 183 Session Progress response (instead of 180 ringing), allowing media session to be established prior to the call being answered.
EnableEarlyMedia = 1
; Registration expired timeout (sec). The value will be used in "Expires = " header. Typically, a value of 3600 will be used, for registration for one hour. The Media Gateway will resume registration before the timeout expires.
RegistrationTime = 3600
; Proxy server host name (if used). Only works if IsProxyUsed = 1. If it doesn't exist in the INI file, the a Proxy IP is used.
ProxyName =
; Media Gateway host name (if used). Only works if IsProxyUsed = 1. If it doesn't exist in the INI file, the the board IP is used.
SipGatewayName =
; The IP address of the primary DNS server, in IPv4 format: '' DNSPriServerIP =
; The IP address of the secondary DNS server, in IPv4 format: '' ;DNSSecServerIP =